Material from the project

Here you will find informational material on the "100 Schools - 1000 Opportunities" project. The materials are constantly being extended.

Short report

Wie man Schulen in herausfordernden Lagen unterstützen kann? Empfehlungen für Projekte und Maßnahmen in Kooperation zwischen Wissenschaft, Politik und Praxis

In April 2023, an expert congress took place at the University of Vienna. Representatives from science and educational administration discussed recommendations for projects and measures in cooperation between science, politics and practice. This short report summarizes the recommendations.
(Note: The report is written in German.)

Ein leeres Blatt Papier auf einem Klemmbret, daneben eine Schreibfeder.

For schools & school quality management

Project guide

This project guide can serve as a support for schools to develop strategies to address their particular challenges.
(Note: The project guide is in written in German.)

Ein offenes Buch sowie ein Notizbuch liegen auf einem Schreibtisch. Im Hintergrund sieht man ein Bücherregal.


Strengths, challenges, difficulties, and needs for support of schools in challenging situations

The project "100 Schools - 1000 Opportunities" focuses on the perspective of schools for the needs-based allocation of resources. This report highlights the strengths, challenges, difficulties and support needs reported by schools at the start of the project.
(Note: The report is written in German.)

You might be interested in...

In this section, you will find information on interesting literature and other projects on various topics in the school context.

Kreidezeichnung des Sonnensystems auf einer Tafel


Clearing House

The Clearing House Unterricht project aims to summarize current scientific findings on effective STEM teaching in secondary schools and to to provide target-group-specific information for teacher training. In numerous reviews, central findings on a wide range of teaching topics are presented.


Austrian National Report on Education

In the second volume of the Austrian National Report on Education from 2018, there are some interesting articles that address teaching in classes with high heterogeneity, for example chapter 1.

Both volumes of the 2018 report are available for free download here.

Eine Glühbirne vor einem schwarzem Hintergrund mit sprühenden Funken


The school award "Deutscher Schulpreis"

The award "Deutscher Schulpreis 2020/2021" honored creative concepts that schools have developed or refined in dealing with the Corona crisis and that can make a lasting difference to learning and teaching. Here you can get to know the winning schools and their innovative concepts.

Closeup von Buntstiften in einem Becher


The initiative "Schule macht stark" (eng. School makes strong)

Helping schools in socially difficult situations to overcome their challenges: This is the goal of the German federal and state initiative "Schule macht stark". Research and schools work together to give socially disadvantaged students the best possible educational opportunities.


School Quality & Teacher Education

The School Quality & Teacher Education (SQTE) project investigates the conditions for successful school (quality) development. The so-called London effect is of particular interest.

Eine Klasse im Unterricht, der Lehrer steht vorn.


The school award "Staatspreis Innovative Schulen"

The award "Staatspreis Innovative Schulen" (eng. State Award for Innovative Schools) honors schools that develop innovative concepts for the future and successfully realize the quality categories of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research. Get to know the winning school and the other finalists here.